• Westroads Mall 10000 California Street Omaha, NE 68114 (Map) 402-614-0888

  • Store Hours: Monday-Sat. 11AM - 7PM | Sunday 12PM - 5PM

  • Preparing Online Store For Holiday Traffic

    Preparing Online Store For Holiday Traffic

    It’s almost time for the holidays – and this means lots of traffic for your e-commerce website or online store.

    If you want to make this season work to its maximum potential, you should prepare your online store for heavy traffic that it’s bound to experience this holiday season. If you don’t, your website could be among the thousands of sites which crash.

    Preparing Online Store For Holiday Traffic

    Improve Your Website’s Security

    Heavy traffic means that your website could be at a higher risk of being hacked or infiltrated; there are also more viruses floating around websites around the holiday time. Improve the security of your website and server with anti-virus software before the holidays hit.

    Cycle Through Updates

    Updates are usually the first thing people try to turn off when they get a new computer, but it’s the first thing you should keep in mind for your website. Make sure that everything running on your website is current, and it really means everything.

    Optimize Your Website

    There’s no better time to optimize your website than a month or two before the holidays. Optimizing your website includes things like speed testing your site, making sure that it loads quickly, and your server is equipped to handle the traffic ahead.

    Special Holiday Offers

    Special holiday-only offers are a great incentive to offer for visitors to your site – and it might inspire a lot of people to click around. For example, special coupon codes for a percentage off the normal sales price are a good way to get people clicking.

    Backup Your Site

    You should always backup the information on the back-end of your site before you make any changes – and this applies to more than just before preparing for the holidays! DropMySite and SiteBackup both offer options to electronically backup your website.

    Omaha Shirts & Retro Shirtz

    Online: Retro Shirtz Online

    At Retro Shirtz we understand the importance of logo design on custom jerseys. So we provide free graphic design, including free logo design with all standard custom shirt orders.

    Our free graphic design services include:

    • suggesting and implementing fonts
    • changing the colors and layout of the fonts, and our team’s excellent skills at creating custom image assets.

    Complex Logo Designs

    Complex logo designs, such as drawing very complex new art assets from scratch are not typically covered in the free design services. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us or stop by our store. Our expert logo maker team will happily discuss a logo design!

    Contact Us

    • Prices are subject to change at any time. For exact pricing call 402-614-0888.

      © Copyright Retro Shirtz 2018 • Marketing & SEO: Omaha SEO Company.