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  • Why TikTok is Becoming More Popular?


    When you’re in the middle of an app’s reign, it can sometimes seem as though it will never be toppled. Surely there will never be a search engine bigger than Google? Will a video platform ever dethrone YouTube? And will we ever see a day when Facebook isn’t number one?

    With these companies being so gigantically popular, it is hard to imagine a time without them. And yet we have seen this play out countless times before.

    Sure, Google is big now… but who remembers when Yahoo was the go-to search engine for most people? And AskJeeves was a popular second choice!
    Facebook might be king of social media now, but that title used to belong to MySpace. Does anyone remember Napster? The newest digital player on the scene is TikTok.

    Why TikTok is Becoming More Popular?

    Right now, we are seeing another power struggle play out. TikTok began as a relatively small experiment, but it has been gaining popularity and fans steadily. This momentum is picking upright as the cracks in Facebook are beginning to show.

    New sign-ups have fallen off a cliff for Facebook. The average age of the platform’s most active users has shot way up. And many people have turned against the company in light of its anti-privacy strategies.

    Meanwhile, TikTok is young, hip, and appealing to the next generation of internet users.

    But exactly what makes TikTok so popular? Can it really succeed where others like Snapchat have seemingly failed?

    What You Need to Know About TikTok

    TikTok is essentially a short-form video app. The social network allows you to upload short videos in a similar manner to Twitter’s “Vine.”
    TikTok certainly owes some of its success to that comparison. After all, Vine disappeared and left a huge gap in the market for a similar offering. TikTok fills that void while bringing its own sense of style – inviting users to create comedic and creative videos that are instantly sharable and viral.
    While this might seem limiting or restrictive, that is precisely one of the things that makes it successful.

    Short videos are inherently easier to create, and with a very clear sense of tone and style, this creates a framework and frame of reference for users to express themselves. Anyone can create something that will be popular and successful. And the fun nature of the videos means that they are almost always received in the vein in which they were intended.
    Shorter videos are also highly consumable with little investment required on the viewer’s part. And of course, the highly “memorable” nature of these videos is also ideal for easy sharing and rapid growth.

    A Young Audience

    TikTok is a platform that appeals very much to a younger demographic. 66% of all users on TikTok are under the age of 30, and 60% of the daily users are even younger at between 16 and 24!

    This not only means that TikTok is able to secure what is likely to be the “next wave” of active internet users, but it also means that TikTok can continue to grow and succeed. How? By focussing primarily on that target audience.

    Because the audience is so specific, TikTok can ensure that a greater percentage of its userbase is satisfied with the content it is experiencing. With a more concentrated approach, the platform has a much stronger sense of identity as compared with the likes of Facebook, or even Instagram.
    This also results in what many praises for being a great sense of community. The New York Times recently described TikTok as the “only truly pleasant social media network.”

    With a younger audience, the company has had to maintain stricter community rules.

    In short, whereas other social networks have begun to feel corporate, cynical, and perhaps even unpleasant at times, TikTok is a place where a young and creative audience gets to have fun and enjoy themselves. There’s always something to make you smile, and that leads to sharing.

    The platform is likely to continue to grow for this very reason. Does the fact that TikTok doesn’t lend itself to longer-form content or even traditional notions of celebrity limit it? Far from it: that’s precisely what makes this such a refreshing experience. Nobody is a huge influencer on TikTok, and everybody is.

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